KPI overview

All data on this page is simulated. For demo purposes only.

Successful Charges

Failed Charges

Success Rate

Offline Instances

MWh delivered

Risk overview - Offline chargers

The following table shows all chargers monitored by you, that are predicted to go offline within the next 48 hours. The percentage risk defines the risk of a charger going offline.

ChargeBox Vendor Model Firmware Location Offline risk
CP-2314 VoltEdge Technologies ChargeMate 320 v17.3b Central Station 89%
CP-1892 ChargeFlow Systems FastVolt X50 r21.5.3 Airport Terminal 2 78%

Risk Overview - Faulty Chargers

The following table shows the chargers that have negative health trends.

ChargeBox Vendor Model Firmware Location Health score Health Trend
CP-4521 NovaCharge GridFlex 1000 3.9.5 Shopping Mall East 67% ↓ -12%
CP-3782 AmpereLink StreetCharge 800 v6.7.1 Downtown Plaza 72% ↓ -8%

Anomalies overview

All data on this page is simulated. For demo purposes only.

A sortable table showing charge point metrics, allowing identification of anomalies

ChargeBox Connector Vendor Model Firmware Value Value pr Chargebox Active Chargepoints Total Chargepoints Transaction Attempts
CP-9234 2 ElectroPoint HyperVolt P12 v8.8.1 156 78 45 50 234

Fault types overview

All data on this page is simulated. For demo purposes only.

A sortable table showing fault types on different charge point levels

Vendor Model Firmware # Chargeboxes Charge sessions Succes Rate % # Faults & Errors Charging Faults Charging Errors Offline Instances 0 KWh ConnectorLock EVCommunication GroundFailure InternalError OtherError Overcurrent Overvoltage Undervoltage PowerMeter PowerSwitch Reader WeakSignal

Location anomalies overview

All data on this page is simulated. For demo purposes only.

A sortable table showing fault types grouped by location

Location Total Consumption KWh Succes Rate % # Chargeboxes Charge Attempts Charge faults Charging Errors # Faults Offline instances 0 KWh ConnectorLock EVCommunication GroundFailure InternalError Overcurrent Overvoltage Undervoltage PowerMeter PowerSwitch Reader WeakSignal